10 Reasons to study abroad in 2019

Studying abroad is the act of a student pursuing an education opportunity in a country other than their own. Studying abroad not only provides you with unforgettable experiences it also helps you to grow your résumé, gain international experience, and develop your professional skills.There are so many reasons to go abroad that it is difficult to list them all on one page. Here are our top 10 reasons why you should study abroad.

1.Gain independence and confidence

Living in a new country forces you out of your comfort zone. This will lead to new experiences and whole new perspective on the world,Widen your knowledge ,embrace the change and immerse yourself into a new culture and environment. You will become a confident,resourceful and independent global citizen full of experiences and memorable adventures.

2.Experience a new education system

Studying abroad is a great way to gain a more diverse way of learning and doing things . The learning and teaching methods in each country are different and no matter which destination you choose,you will gain experience of different study methods and enhance your academic skills.

3.Broaden your language skills

Languages go hand in hand with culture and society. Immersing yours into the local environment allows you to learn a language more in depth.You can continue to study a language you started or take the chance and learn a completely new language.You will learn new things and gain knowledge of colloquialisms and phrases used by native

4.Explore the world

By going abroad, you will get the chance to explore the local and nearby regions of a new destination, and even have the opportunity to venture into other countries affordably. Use your spare time to explore the surroundings of your destination and get a well-rounded global mindset while having fun.

5. Increase international job prospects

Studying abroad is proof of being interculturally aware and shows employers you are not afraid of challenges or unknown situations.
Your time abroad will make you a more resourceful person and help you create networks and contacts around the world.

6.Expand your personal and professional network

Most students will come back with networks and friendships from all around the world after their study abroad. Cherish the chance to expand your personal and professional networks and get friendships from different countries.

7. Boost your CV

Employers value language skills and international experience giving you a competitive advantage when starting your career. Many employers value international experience and consider it to be a positive element in a CV, not to mention the fact that you will be more equipped to deal with international relations and different cultures

8. Learn more about yourself

By going out of your comfort zone and adapting to new ways of living you will learn what you’re good at, what you’re not so good at, what you enjoy and how you can give the best of yourself. This will be an advantage for your future career as you will know how to give your best and prove what you are capable.

9. Immerse yourself into a new culture

An essential element on your voyage of discovery is immersing yourself into the new culture. By embracing the culture and integrating,you will gain the most of your time abroad. Experiencing new cultures is exciting and open doors in the future!

10. Financial aids

The financial barrier to study abroad is not as high as you might think. Many governments and higher learning institutions provide scholarships. So you should take full advantage of them. Scholarships will help you cover tuition fees, accommodation ,flight ,health insurance and other costs.


  • Generally,studying abroad has benefits from every aspect of our lives.
  • Choose to spend your time abroad wisely by surrounding yourself with people who challenge you to grow personally and professionally.
  • Start looking for study abroad opportunities and don’t be afraid to make your dream come true!

Check out scholarships available to study abroad

M. Angelique

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