ActionAid Rwanda (AAR) is a local non-Governmental organization and an Affiliate Member of ActionAid Global Federation, an Anti-Poverty Agency working with the poor. AAR has had its operations in Rwanda since 1982, due to effects of the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi, AAR resumed its operations in 1997 as a full Country Program and has contributed towards eradication of Poverty and Injustice with a focus on tackling their root causes. AAR has a very strong commitment to supporting and empowering women and children as well as Promoting their Rights through Campaigns, Sensitizations and Advocacy.

AAR’s vision is a Country without poverty and injustice in which every person enjoys their right to life of dignity and mission is work with people living in poverty with focus on women and girls to eradicate poverty and injustice. 

Job Opportunities

1.Projects Coordinator

2.Programme, Policy & Business Development Lead (PPBDL)   

Deadline: September 09,2023

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