The Wharton School of Business is the best business school in the world right now followed by the London Business School ( 2nd) and MIT Sloan School of Management (3rd)
Parameters used to to rank the best business schools in the world ;
- Academic Reputation:
- Employer Reputation
- Research Impact
- Job Placement Rate:
- Specialization
- Global Reputation and Influence
- Annual Tuition and Fees
- satisfaction levels of individual students, industry professionals, and corporate recruiters
List of the Best business schools in the world
Rank | Business School | Country |
1 | The Wharton School | USA |
2 | London Business School | UK |
3 | MIT Sloan School of Management | USA |
4 | Harvard Business School | USA |
5 | Said Business School | UK |
6 | Columbia Business School | USA |
7 | Stanford Graduate School of Business | USA |
8 | INSEAD (European Institute of Business Administration) | France |
9 | Haas School of Business | USA |
10 | Yale School of Management | USA |
11 | Cambridge Judge Business School | UK |
12 | The University of Chicago Booth School of Business | USA |
13 | Leonard N. Stern School of Business | USA |
14 | Alliance Manchester Business School | UK |
15 | Kellogg School of Management | USA |
16 | IMD – International Institute for Management Development | Switzerland |
17 | UCLA Anderson School of Management | USA |
18 | Tuck School of Business | USA |
19 | UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | USA |
20 | Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management | USA |