Every now and then, each of us faces a task that we really don’t want to do. We have to write a resume, for example. Or phone employers. Or find out more about programs. Many of us end up procrastinating—putting the task off until the very last moment. By then, we could be dealing with so much guilt and pressure that we can’t bring our best to the task. So it’s even harder to do. And we’re stuck in the putting-it-off cycle.

To break out of the cycle, try these steps:

• First of all, make sure the task fits in with your goals and priorities. If it doesn’t, why are you planning to do it?

• Decide upfront on the reward you’ll give yourself when you’ve completed the task. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just special

• Divide the task into smaller steps so it won’t seem so overwhelming.

• Do the worst first. Start with your least favourite part of the task. Then the rest won’t seem so bad by comparison.

• Begin with some part of the task that won’t take much time. Even if you spend five or ten minutes on it, you’ll feel like you’ve made progress.

• If you’ve had problems with this kind of task in the past, think about what you can do to overcome them. Get help, ask questions, do the research you need to learn from your past experience.

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