Essential Study Tips for College StudentsCollege is an entirely different world than high school. Your old habits must be quickly left behind as you dive headfirst into the new challenges and experiences that come along with higher education. Study habits that you could get by on in high school may not hold up in the college environment, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the new responsibilities.

Fortunately, getting off to a good start and staying that way isn’t too complicated. Here are some tips for getting off on the right foot:

Manage your time effectively.Spend a little time at the beginning of the semester transferring important dates from your syllabi onto a calendar or planner. Having an organized way of checking up on assignments will help you keep up with your classes.

Studying for tests should be an ongoing process : Sure, cramming might have worked for you in the past, but it’s a terrible habit to rely on. Be sure to devote time after each class to go over the new material. After all, you’re here for an education and not just a GPA,

■ Large assignments, like research papers and projects, can be daunting and are com­pletely cram-proof. Try to split the assignment into manageable portions, and start chipping away early on. Spending some time away from your work can give you a fresh approach to the assign­ment and illuminate any mistakes you have made.

■ When choosing your class schedule, keep your strengths and weaknesses in mind. It’s possible to shoot yourself in the foot before you even start school by loading your schedule with subjects you won’t want to work on. In other words, if you must spend hours on math assign­ments, don’t crowd your schedule with multiple math classes.

■ While core class requirements might be frustrating, keep in mind that the real world loves a well-rounded individual. You may curse whoever required you to be mathematically proficient before you earn your history degree, but keeping an open mind with coursework will build your repertoire of skills before you apply for a job outside of college.

You may have gotten away with ignoring proper study habits before, but incorporating just one of these habits into your college life can greatly improve your experience.

You may not adopt every study tip into your own system, but having a system is integral to a successful college career. These tips will help out any student get better grades and avoid being overwhelmed by the steady stream of work

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