buddybear (Left in the picture)

buddybear (Left in the picture)

BuddyBear has come to Rwanda! Submit your painting proposal by 18 November 2018

Originally from Berlin BuddyBear (BB) has an extended family around the globe and many friends!

BuddyBear has arrived in October 2018 and will be living in Kigali permanently.

BuddyBear doesn’t have a name yet and definitely needs a suitable coat because plain white is boring. After all BuddyBear is not a polar bear but wants to become a Rwandan-German bear.

BuddyBear is 2m tall and weighs in at about 50kg. Its belly is quite round!

Its arms are stretched out far – they reach out 1,20m.

From the tip of his nose to his bottom BB measures 80cm.

BuddyBear wants to adapt to Rwanda, so we would like Rwandan artists to help us design his new look. We think about a design that reflects his German roots as well as his new Rwandan home. And what better way than to include both Germany’s and Rwanda’s national colours? 

Any suggestions are welcome – just let your inspiration run free!

Please send us your proposed design using the model template here and some background information about your art works before 18 November 2018 to info@kiga.diplo.de or drop you printed proposal at the German Embassy in KN 27 St 5 in Kiyovu.

For inspiration you can find pictures of other Buddy Bears here.

A committee will decide which proposal suits best for BuddyBear. The submitting artist will paint BuddyBear until 7 December 2018 and get 500.000 RWF after completion of the work.

To make sure you have all the relevant details to submit a valid proposal please check our check list here.

We do not hope so but it might happen that BuddyBear does not like any of the proposed coats.

For more information,please visit https://kigali.diplo.de/rw-en/themen/kultur/-/2151426

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