The Nestlé Foundation initiates and supports research in human nutrition with public health relevance in low-income and lower middle-income countries according to the World Bank classification (see The results of the research projects should,ideally provide a basis for implementation and action which will lead to sustainable effects in the studied populations as generally applicable to the population at large. They should also enable institution strengthening and capacity building in a sustainable manner in the host country and further cooperation and collaboration between Institutions in developed and developing countries .

The Foundation expects research proposals to be primarily the initiative of local researchers from the developing countries. However the Foundation will be inclined to consider favorably those applications jointly made by scientists from developed countries with those from developing countries provided it is clear that the initiative will result in capacity building and human resource development in the latter and the bulk of the budget is spent in the developing country.


Foundation’s work is primarily concerned with human nutrition research issues dealing with:

  • maternal and child nutrition, including breastfeeding and complementary feeding,
  • macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances,
  • interactions between infection and nutrition, and
  • nutrition education and health promotion

The Foundation does not normally fund:

  • projects with low public health relevance
  • projects with doubtful sustainability
  • projects lacking transfer of scientific, technical and educational knowledge, i.e. lacking a capacity-building component
  • large budget projects i.e. – projects that exceed US$100,000 per year or US$ 300,000 over the total duration of a 3 year project
  • nutrition surveys or surveillance studies
  • research on food policy, food production and food technology except when linked to an intervention with high potential for sustainable improvement of the nutritional status
  • in vitro and/or animal experiments

How to apply

Interested scientists should first submit a “Letter of Intent” in which they describe very briefly the kind of project they would like to undertake, including an estimated budget. Instructions for the letter of intent are available on the Foundation website at “Download application forms and reports”. For a submission of a letter of intent only the downloadable form on our website should be used.

If the suggested project is compatible with the Foundation’s current funding policy, applicants will receive an invitation to submit a full grant proposal. The guidelines and forms for the submission of a full grant proposal are also available on our website. Other formats will not be accepted, neither for the letter of intent nor for the full grant applications.

Timeline for full grant applications: (only upon invitation of an accepted Letter of Intent)

Deadline for submission Latest announcement
of the decision
Earliest possible
grant starting date
January 10th Mid-late April Mid-late May
May 10th Mid-late September Mid-late October


There are NO FIXED SUBMISSION DEADLINES FOR LI: A Letter of intent can be submitted at any time of the year !


For more details,please visit

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