
Part 1: 16 November – 4 December, 2020

Part 2: 2 weeks in April / May, 2021


Part 1: Sweden

Part 2: in one of the participating countries

Target Region : Africa

Closing date for applications : May 8, 2020


Ensuring everyone has access to Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation services is one of the global Sustainable Development Goals that humankind is to meet by 2030. To achieve this target we need to be creative, thinking and acting out of the box, and applying a much greater range of solutions. Above all, it will require commitment and hard work by change agents, professional organisations and communities at the local level. This International Training Programme will contribute knowledge and skills that will make a differenceat city level, and in the participating countries. The programme has a regional outreach that strengthens professional networks within and between the represented African countries.

We strive to deepen and expand the participants’ knowledge and capabilities in his/her professional area and also to strengthen the professional exchange between participants. Each participant contributes their own unique experience and background which enriches the learning and collaborative exchange process among participants, facilitators and experts. The programme has a regional outreach that strengthens professional networks within and between the represented countries.

Sida has commissioned NIRAS and WaterAid to jointly implement an advanced international training programme on Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation – Integrated Processes. We are seeking collaborative organisations active in urban water and sanitation, ready to engage in processes for change and to invest in capable and engaged employees as potential change agents. We trust that you will find the programme interesting and hereby invite you to nominate candidates.


This International Training Programme’s overarching objective is to contribute to improved planning and implementation of more sustainable urban water and sanitation services, where the rights, needs and demands of  all citizens, including those of marginalised groups, are taken into account.

The term sustainability addresses environmental, social and economic long-term factors. Sustainability can be achieved only through an increased awareness of  the need for integrated approaches and for long-term systems and by supporting key organisations in their processes for such a change.


  • Increased knowledge of methods and tools for planning of sustainable urban water and sanitation systems
  • Increased capacity to initiate and drive organisational change processes
  • Shared experiences from colleagues in other parts of the world
  • Extended professional network


  • Professional support for more sustainable and inclusive water and sanitation services
  • Educated and encouraged staff that will help achieve your strategic goals
  • Collaboration opportunities with various organisations, experts and agencies


Candidates may be nominated by authorities, institutions, universities, NGOs, water utilities or other private companies active in the water and sanitation sector.

The programme primarily targets organisations, not individuals, and efforts will be made to establish long-term relationships with key organisations. Such collaborative organisations should be willing to commit themselves to participation over several years and to cooperate with other organisations in the programme. Capacity and interest to drive change processes to achieve their long-term goals, and a certain level of  influence on the water and sanitation sector, is a prerequisite to become a collaborative organisation. Candidates from collaborative organisations may be prioritised.

Applicants to the programme should:

  • hold a key position in their organisation, with influence on a strategic level
  • have the engagement and power to initiate and drive change processes;
  • hold a relevant academic degree; and
  • be available and motivated for active participation through the whole training programme.

Invited countries and areas:

Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

To promote actual collaboration and integration between participants in their national working context, the programme aims to gather organisations operating in the same geographical area. The programme is therefore focusing on the following areas:

Kenya – Nakuru

Rwanda – Eastern Province and Kigali

Tanzania – Temeke, Dar es Salaam

Uganda – Kampala

Zambia – Ndola

Organisations working in other areas than the above, are also welcome to nominate candidates, but should be aware of  the priority given to the selected areas.


The programme will address the following four priority themes:

Equity and Inclusion – in governance and infrastructure. How to address and improve policies, standards, decision making processes, finance and gender, for systems and service provision that take into consideration the rights, needs and demands of all citizens, including those of marginalised groups.

Sustainability – in technology and practices. How to develop and find solutions, approaches, practices and technology that is appropriate and contibutes to more sustainable services provision over time, such as use and reuse of water, improved approaches towards non-revenue water and asset-management, innovative sanitation solutions and new methods of improving hygiene practices.

Integration – in approaches and collaboration across sectors. How to work with more integrated approaches in policy, planning and service provision, more holistic urban development, managing conflicting goals, increasing syndergies across sectors and spurring collaboration and new ways of working within and between organisations/institutions at city-level and beyond.

The Change Module – provides knowledge on how to work as a change agent and manage change processes that will strengthen the organisation’s ability to support and deliver improved water, sanitation and hygiene activities and services.

For more details, please download:

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